Girlfriends: Narratives of Friendship

Professor Carissa Foo

In this creative project, students worked in pair for a full semester. Students were given the following prompt:

“True the ethos of this class, built on a foundation of partnership, each pair will work together throughout the semester to develop a zine entry/spread that defines and describes their choice of relationships. The work should examine and expand on one thing inspired by the material read and ideas discussed in seminars. It should be a blended form, supported with your choice of lyrical or journalistic writing, flash fiction, a cinematic still, photographs, graphics, and so on, to illustrate the pair’s interpretation of friendship. Submissions should not exceed 2000 words or 8 pages.”

Accompanying the submission is an individual reflection of no more than 2 pages, double spaced, including thoughts about general motivations, the creative process, the chosen form, challenges faced and resolved, personal takeaways. This accounts for 5% of the total assignment grade.

An example of a students’ work is here.